Monday, January 2, 2012

Fat Squirrel Collection.

Here's some random pictures of fat squirrels.

Monday, September 6, 2010


This is a random post.

Thank you.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


So yes we're poor but hell who isn't these days.

Thanks to various thrift shops we were able to find tons of antique porcelain hand painted ornaments, mom just had to put up the globes and no could stop her so they're there.

Lunar says the tree reminds him of a giant toy. I think its pretty. We have an angel somewhere that swings around like she's drunk but in the last move we can't find her... more like we're too lazy to find her so we substituted her for a non drunk variety.

Yes the tree's up early but mom was going out of town for Thanksgiving so we had early Thanksgiving with her and put up the tree early. It's pretty and shiny. Oooh.

- Tensai

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Seattle's BrickCon 2009

Our little brother happened on a site that spoke of a Lego convention in Seattle, and we knew we had to attend. Tensai, myself and the family unit piled into the van and hopped on a ferry to Seattle relatively close to the Space Needle. BrickCon is not something I have visited before and was quite surprised to see a long line of people stretched out from the ticket booth half a block down the road.

Yes there was kids, and lots of them. But it was worth it to take a glimpse at the displays they had out.

For those that know our social activities you'd be very interested to see this. Look at the picture below carefully and tell me what you see..... aside from the cool space ship.

Look closer.

Holy mother what is that?


Absolutely cool.

This reminded me of the Doctor Who holiday special.

Speaking of Doctor Who...

This depiction of a war torn city during WWII was especially detailed.

On the shores of Normandy.

There were several displays of cities.

Ambassador Spock's ship from the new Star Trek Movie.

A mad lab complete with little Igor.

This one was particularly hysterical. Its a sausage restaurant with happy customers on one side contently eating.

On the other is the sausage factory, on the conveyor belt that creates the sausages is a whole cow, dead parrot, monkey, horse... the rat though escaped with its life hiding under the ladder.

BrickCon, completely fun.
Coming soon: Information on the site where to download a free 3d Lego Creator that allows you to build whatever you want on the computer with the option to purchase your creation. I'm still scanning the site where to download.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

My name is TotalLunar Eclipse....

and I am one of millions of hard working americans that are uninsured.

- Lunar

Saturday, August 15, 2009


No lap is safe from invasion from Neko.

He slept like this for about an hour.

Here's our welcome doormat.


Behold, she who is so fat thing's gravitate towards her.

Neeka's learning to play PSP, she's taking after her father now.